Procedure to ensure a fair and efficient project management
Methodologies and data to be manage during the project. An updated version will be provided at M36.
Conclusions from the benchmarking done in task 2.1.
Key strategic topics related to HE missions adaptation to climate change to be addressed by citizen science initiatives.
Guidelines for Applicants, application process, templates of declaration of honour and sub-grantee agreement, and FAQ (following EC requirements).
Additional output of task 3.1 and reports on the results of each evaluation process by phase, scores, ESRs and evaluation board participation, statistics and conclusions.
List of KPIs and milestones agreed among projects and Project officer, to be monitored along Seed, Flower and Harvest phases; the reports will contain the approval/rejection of the progress of the KPIs and therefore these documents will be linked to the payments.
Additional output of task 3.1 and reports on the results of each evaluation process by phase, scores, ESRs and evaluation board participation, statistics and conclusions.
Description and planning of the support services to be provided to the CS sub- granted projects.
Report of the results of ScienceUs Academy program.
Report with a compilation of data for measuring ScienceUs’s indicators.
Summary of recommendations compiled for policy makers.
Communication and marketing plan for ScienceUs project and call for proposal.
Sustainability and Business Model to exploit ScienceUs results.
The ScienceUs team is formed by the CIVIS university alliance and MFN that brings its expertise and networks generated thanks to its leading role in and its successor, European Citizen Science.
ScienceUs is led by the Universidad Autonoma De Madrid (Spain). The 7 European partners participating in ScienceUs are Universite D’aix Marseille (France), Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon (Greece), Universitatea Din Bucuresti (Romania), Universite Libre De Bruxelles (Belgium), Universita Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza (Italy), Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen (Germany) and Museum Fur Naturkunde (Germany) offering diverse experiences and know-how, which represent a broad, balanced, and targeted geographical area.