Organisation Name: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
Role: Project Coordinator
Short Description: (general info. here:
UAM is a public comprehensive university. Our identity is rooted in a strong social commitment through specific actions and structures that have evolved since UAM creation 50 years ago. Our vision easily fits with CIVIS concept: a European University alliance devoted to widen its impact beyond the academy, transparent, accountable and well-managed, making use of innovative methodologies encompassing society demands. CIVIS is very important for UAM, as we really believe in generating a European University together with sibling partners sharing such fundamental values and aims.
Manuel Alcántara-Plá – Scientific advisor
Manuel Alcántara-Plá is coordinator of the CIVIS OpenLab at UAM, an initiative to bridge the gap between the university and the challenges of the local community. He has a background in Linguistics, focusing on critical discourse analysis and digital communication.
Rafaella Lenoir Improta – ScienceUs Project Manager
Rafaella Lenoir Improta, PhD in Social-Environmental Psychology. She is a member of the coordination team of the ScienceUs. She was involved in the coordination of Module 6 in the RIS4CIVIS (SWAFT project) which aimed to promote actions in Science Communication and Citizen Science at the CIVIS Alliance. Currently, Rafaella is also the institutional coordinator of Open Science at UAM and the contact point of the CIVIS 3i (MSCA-COFUND) program.
Organisation Name: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
Role: Partner, Dissemination & Communication Leader
Short Description: (general info. here:
NKUA is a research University and, as a leading higher education institution since 1837, it aims to advance knowledge and educate students in sciences and arts that will best serve the nation and the community of the twenty-first century. Committed to innovation and academic excellence, we seek to infuse each member of our academic community with a passion for research and knowledge gain. We encourage the cultivation of creativity, maturation of social and cultural sensibilities as well as critical thinking, by supporting free and open dialogue and a culture of integrity and diversity.
NKUA has common places dedicated to citizen and societal engagement: (1) A modern Greek language teaching centre; (2) A foreign languages teaching centre; (3) A libraries and information centre; (4) 17 thematic museums; (5) A history Museum of the University; (6) the Historical Archive. Moreover, it also organises lectures, exhibitions, and seminars on campus that are open to the public.
Nikolaos Thomaidis: Professor Nikolaos Thomaidis is specialized in Analytical Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry, with an emphasis in environmental analytical chemistry of emerging contaminants, and food authenticity and food authentication applications. Prof. Thomaidis leads Trace Analysis and Mass Spectrometry (TrAMS) research group whose current research interest focus on the development of cutting-edge HRMS methodologies and data processing chemometric tools, following targeted and untargeted workflows to achieve a holistic chemical characterization of environmental samples and foodstuff. Several innovative studies related to geographical origin/ authenticity investigation of olive oil, monitoring of food molecular changes during manufacturing process, identification of chemical and microbiological indices for food freshness, migration of packaging material organic compounds to food and identification of metabolites of organic contaminants in food of animal origin, have been conducted by his research team members.
Organisation Name: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (UT)
Role: Partner, Selection and support to the 5 most promising projects to be scaled up in the field of citizen science – Leader
Short Description: (general info. here:
Innovative, interdisciplinary, international: These three keywords sum up what makes the University of Tübingen special. Excellent research and teaching are Tübingen’s answer to the challenges of the future in a globalized world. We foster numerous exchanges with partners around the globe – institutions of higher education as well as non-university research institutions. Networks and collaborations across faculty and subject boundaries are the pillars of our successful strategy. This is also reflected in our good position in international rankings. In addition, we are one of eleven German universities that were distinguished as “excellent” in the Excellence Initiative competition by the German federal and state governments.
Patrick Klügel – Patrick Klügel, works on communication strategies as Public Engagement Manager in the Department of Research at the University of Tübingen. He is co-founder of the AI Makerspace at the University of Tübingen and heads the “Public Engagement/Events” research unit at the Tübingen Centre for Rhetorical and Communication Research on Artificial Intelligence (RHET AI). He is working on new dialogue formats for the exchange between researchers and citizens and has co-published a handbook for universities on this topic in 2019. He was involved in the development of Germany’s first code of public engagement as a guide for practitioners.
Organisation Name: Sapienza Università di Roma (SUR)
Role: Partner, Benchmarking of citizen science initiatives related to the approach of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change – Leader
Short Description: (general info. here:
With over 700 years of history, more than 122,000 students, almost 3500 teachers and 2100 employees, technicians and librarians, in addition to 2000 administrative staff in university hospitals, Sapienza is the first university in Europe. Our mission is to contribute to the development of a knowledge society through research, excellence, quality education and international cooperation. Sapienza currently offers 300 study programmes (Bachelor’s and Master’s) – among which over 60 are taught in English- almost 200 vocational master courses and 90 PhDs. The School of Advanced Studies provides a programme of excellence and free tuition for the best students.
Giacinto Donvito, architect and PhD in Spatial and Urban Planning at Sapienza University, has been involved in many research projects in Italy and abroad, and has been serving as professor since many years. The research, teaching, publications, and experimentation activities, as well as the basic topics of urban planning disciplinary debate (with a specific focus on the New Urban Plan of Rome during its long path of elaboration) are mainly developed through some main themes – strongly interrelated with each other and among the different activities – an the element of continuity over time: (1) the role of the environmental system in the construction of the contemporary urban territory; (2) the protection and enhancement of the historical-settlement and landscape heritage and the role of permanences in the planning and design of territorial transformations; (3) the Urban Project in Europe; and (4) the Territorial Project.
Sara Altamore, after a PhD in Regional Planning and Public Policies from University IUAV of Venice, is a postdoctoral fellow focused on the intersection of urban policies, marginality, and everyday practices. Passionate about spatial justice, coproduction processes, and Action-Research, she has lived and worked in Spain, Italy, and South Africa, collaborating with various local and international organizations and communities on planning practices for more equitable urban development.
Camilla Ariani; architect and Ph.D. in Territorial and Urban Planning, is currently research fellow at the Dept. of Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture, Sapienza University Rome. She has been visiting researcher at Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) and University of Massachusetts Boston. Previously she worked as architect and urban designer in several architectural firms with strong interest in international, large scale developments; as a scholar and a practitioner she has experiences in China, Algeria, France and US. Her research interests are related to the variety of collaborations between stakeholders in urban transformation and the spatial output of decision-making process, with a focus on inequalities, displacement and distressed neighborhoods.
Valentina Vittoria Calabrese is an architect and PhD student with a PON grant of the 37th cycle in Landscape and Environment on Lakescape and Water Management. In 2020 she graduated in Architecture at Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis entitled “Re-generation Al-Zaytoun: Children’s participation as a planning tool” [Supervisor: Prof. Daniela De Leo], an urban regeneration project developed for one of Cairo’s semi-informal neighborhoods, Zaytoun, Egypt, through the direct participation of children and young people. In the same year she took part in the research-action group “Prototype of coastal citizenship” in Tricase, Puglia, in collaboration with the association “Città Fertile”, which is a participatory urban design process that tries to reinterpret the land-sea relationship characteristic of the Salento peninsula. Her research interests are related to the relationship between water, environment and society in the hydrosocial basin.
Third Parties organisation Name: Federico II Naples
The DiArc Dept. is part of the Federico II University of Naples, one of the oldest universities to be founded by a head of State while other educational institutions by and large were a product of corporate initiatives.The University has over 2000 agreements with foreign universities. Moreover the DiArc Dept. mission is to contribute to the development of a knowledge in cities and society through research, excellence, quality education with a large international activities.
Daniela De Leo – Daniela De Leo is full professor in Urban and Regional Planning at the Dept. of Architecture of the “Federico II” University of Naples. From 2010 to 2023 she served as professor at the Sapienza University in Rome where she has been also deputy rector in Public engagement (2020-23); fellow at the SSAS- Sapienza’s School for Advanced Studies, (2018-23) and member of the Doctoral Collegium in “Landscape and Environment” (from 2017-current) after being a member of the Doctoral Program in “Territorial and Urban Planning” in the same University (from 2011 to 2016). As full-time professor, she does research about cities and territories and experiments urban planning practices within the public university through technical-scientific agreements and consultancy with local, regional and national institutions and associations (Urban@it; Forum DD; SIU; AESOP). Moreover, she has conducted and coordinated national and international research activities in Nablus, East Jerusalem, and Beirut and been Visiting Scholar and visiting professor at the IURD-UC Berkeley (2013) DUSP-MIT (2011-2013), Cornell University (2018; 2023).
Organisation Name: Aix-Marseille Université (AMU)
Role: Partner
Short Description: (general info. here:
AMU is a research-intensive university of international standing, yet deeply rooted in its territory. In 2016, it was granted the national ‘’Initiative of Excellence’’ label. Its reputation enjoys wide recognition and I am proud of our collective achievements. The university has successfully faced up to all the challenges it was confronted to in 2012, the year of its creation. We now pursue our ambition with the same boldness in the service of research, education and innovation — in one word in the service of progress.
AMU is a major player in its territory and contributes to its reputation. Our campuses extend over four “départements” and meet stringent international standards. They offer modern and attractive facilities to more than 78,000 students and 8,000 staff. Our strategy regarding land and building management is in constant evolution, with the on-going devolution of state real estate assets and the new energy issues we want to address. The university’s societal responsibility clearly appears in its commitments to promote sustainable development, to integrate physically-challenged staff and students, and to fight against all discriminations. Our everyday goals also include the improvement of students’ living conditions through access for all to health care, culture and sport, and helping to develop associative life.
Organisation Name: University of Bucharest (UB)
Role: Partner
Short Description: (general info. here:
In its over 160 years of existence, the University of Bucharest has been ranked as one of the most prestigious universities in Romania and the South-East of Europe, earning a strong national and international reputation.
Today, the University of Bucharest has almost 32.000 students and 1.300 tenured academics. Generation after generation of students and teachers have succeeded to set our University amongst the landmark institutions of the Romanian society as a whole, through an ethical climate of trust.
Permanently positioned in the first third of the ranking made by Quacuarelly Symonds (QS), the University of Bucharest confirms, year after year, the continuous progress in key areas, considering the upward trend in recent years of the number of institutions included in the ranking. In the 2023 edition, the ranking highlights the performances of 1,597 universities. Thus, according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject, based on fundamental fields, and based on the results of their related subfields, the University of Bucharest appears in three of the five analyzed fields: Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences and Management.
Organisation Name: Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Role: Partner, Impact Analysis and policy recommendations – Leader
Short Description: (general info. here:
ULB is a university open and active in the city of Brussels.
ULB is involved among others in: FabLabs, SmartCampus, experiences/design of Open Lab, participatives activities linked to culture and urban development, Policy Lab, regionally funded (Innoviris) co-creation projects, civic and community engagement (ULB Engagée, ECCo Project), science popularisation activities (Universite des Enfants, Inforsciences).The university is currently working on structuring, organizing and perpetuating its various scientific mediation and citizen participation activities, notably by explicitly allocating spaces on a new urban campus (USquare). In particular, ULB seeks to better articulate the local and European levels in this type of activity, benefiting from the support and collaboration dynamics of the CIVIS European University network.
Robin Lebrun – Scientific advisor
Robin Lebrun is a researcher at OpenLab.Brussels, a joint venture ULB-VUB-CIVIS. He has a background in Political Science, focusing on citizenship education and young people’s political engagement.
Benjamin Wayens – Scientific advisor
Benjamin Wayens coordinates the interdisciplinary network of Brussels Studies (EBxl) and the OpenLab at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Although Benjamin’s research on Brussels is very eclectic, he has developed a deep expertise in quantitative urban observation and in the analysis of the logic of the location of activities, particularly in the retail sector and in educational infrastructures. As a holder of a certificate of pedagogical aptitude for higher education, he has long contributed to the geographical and scientific training of future primary school teachers and continues to maintain a real interest in didactic and outreach issues.
Leticia Martinez Garcia – Project coordinator
Leticia is a Project Coordinator in the European Liason of Office of the Research Department of ULB. She has experience with EU projects and funding. In ScienceUs Leticia is the Work package leader for Impact and evaluation. In this WP she will analyse how citizen science is reflected in policymaking. Besides this, Leticia manages several other projects, in particular, a science communication module training and the HR strategy for researchers labellisation process.
Samia Ben Rajeb is an architect and professor at the University of Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles).
She is vice-president of the study program “Architecture and Construction” at the “École Polytechnique de Bruxelles”. She is director of the AIA laboratory “Architecture and Architectural Engineering” within the BATir-ULB department in which she created, in 2016, the research unit “COLLaeB” (for COLLABorative Design and digital mediations in Architectural Engineering). The research themes of this unit mainly focus on the analysis of collective design processes and on the study participatory and collaborative approaches and methodologies to support change and collective activities in the heritage, architecture, engeneering and construction sector. Since 2023, she has been the academic head of the OpenLab.Brussels, the objective of which is to promote, disseminate and support participatory research carried out in the Brussels Capital Region.
Organisation Name: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN)
Role: Partner
Short Description: (general info. here:
The “Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science” is an integrated research museum within the Leibniz Association. It is one of the most important research institutions worldwide in the areas of biological and geological evolution and biodiversity.
It is active in three closely interlinked areas: collection-based research, collection development and indexing, and education, citizen science and research-based public outreach. As an innovative communication center, it aims to engage with and help shape the scientific and societal dialogue on the future of our planet. As the most visited natural history museum in Germany (800,000 visitors per year), with long-standing experience in knowledge transfer and scientific dialogue, the museum plays a leading role in setting up citizen science initiatives, programmes, research networks and platforms in Germany and Europe.
Silke Voigt-Heucke
Silke Voigt-Heucke is head of the Citizen Science unit at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN). From 2020 until 2022 she was the project coordinator of the European platform for Citizen Science, EU-Citizen.Science. In 2020, she led the organization of the Citizen Science SDG Conference, funded by the European Union in the framework of the German EU Presidency. At the MfN, she spearheaded the award-winning Citizen Science project ‘Forschungsfall Nachtigall’ (The Nightingale Project). She was also part of the Citizen Science project ‘Berliner Fledermausforscher’ (Berlin Bat Researchers) at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin. Since 2022, she leads a work package on policy impact and recommendations within the Horizon Europe project European Citizen Science (ECS). Additionally, she is currently establishing the Centre of Excellence for Citizen Science at MfN with Susanne Hecker.
The ScienceUs team is formed by universities from the CIVIS Alliance and the Museum für Naturkunde that brings its expertise and networks generated thanks to its leading role in EU-citizen science and its successor, European Citizen Science.
ScienceUs is led by the Universidad Autonoma De Madrid (Spain). Together with other 6 universities from the CIVIS, (Aix Marseille Université(France), Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon (Greece), Universitatea Din Bucuresti (Romania), Universite Libre De Bruxelles (Belgium), Universita Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza (Italy), and Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen (Germany)) and the Museum Für Naturkunde (Germany) have joined to work together on the ScienceUs project, offering diverse experiences and know-how, and representing a broad, balanced, and targeted geographical area.