ScienceUs work packages
WP1: Project Management
The aim of WP1 is to coordinate, to monitor and to structure the project development, ensuring a dynamic and efficient governance of the project.
WP2: Benchmarking of citizen science initiatives related to the approach of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change
The main objectives of this WP are:
- To perform a benchmark in citizen science practices based on the identification of areas for improvement and best practices with the aim of increasing the effectiveness and impact of citizen science.
- To assess the interest of different research projects related to EU missions to use EU-wide citizen science campaigns to achieve their objectives and maximize their impact.
- To identify relevant and representative examples, a meaningful number of them, citizen science campaigns in the context of research projects.
- To obtain evidence and data to illustrate to the different actors of the quadruple helix the interest of a change of mindset through a citizen science approach in the new ERA.
WP3: Selection and support to the 5 most promising projects to be scaled up in the field of citizen science
The main objective of this WP is to select and provide support to a group of outstanding citizen science initiatives to be scaled up transnationally. This will be achieved by launching an open call for outstanding citizen science initiatives to solve the KSTs identified in WP2 The highest-potential citizen science initiatives will enter into a 3- steps support programme (Seed > Flourish > Harvest).
In detail, the objectives of this WP will be to:
• Define the framework and implement a transparent process to assure a smooth execution of an open call and a new support programme.
• To engage quadruple helix stakeholders in the support programme.
• Enable the CS projects engagement in the programme by offering sufficient funding
• To co-design and provide support services to 25 CSs sub-projects (Seed phase) + 5 CSs sub-projects(Flourishing and Harvesting Phases).
• To set up and execute a milestone system for KPI checking & funding distribution for the CSs sub-projects.
WP4: Impact Analysis and Policy Recommendations
- Assess ScienceUs’ contribution to enhancing the capacity of new ERA research projects to implement citizen science practices.
- Analyse the impact of the projects supported following the transnational citizen science campaigns implemented.
- Transfer knowledge and lessons learned to policymakers to develop policies and regulations to promote citizen science initiatives for WP5 Communication, dissemination, sustainability and exploitation.
WP5: Dissemination & Communication
Thus, a proper dissemination and communication strategy the WP will:
• Clearly explain that ScienceUs´s welcomes citizen science initiatives with interest to upscale to other regions in Europe.
• Establish a multi-directional communication path between the stakeholders and other relevant initiatives across sectors and regions to promote success stories.
• Finally, this WP will evaluate and explore sustainable development paths.
Work Package 5 will be dedicated to raising awareness and visibility of the ScienceU´s project.